This is an artist that I recently did a review on at AMOA/Arthouse at the Jones Center. He uses the found object and everyday materials that he picks up from junk and collects it in large numbers to create these beautiful garments. It is his way of creating the garment that intruiges me. To create the shape of the garment, usually he will sew on the materials to a tapestry and then line it with wire so that he can manipulate the shape so that it appears to have someone in it while on display. 

American artist Nick Cave (b. 1959) assembles these garments that could easily pass as couture called "Soundsuits". These garments are made of found materials: hooked rugs, figurines, toys, twigs, hair dyed outlandish colors, and every variety of button, sequin and bead. African ceremonial costumes are an evident inspiration, along with those of Mardi Gras Indians. Cave has a background in dance and costume design. The name soundsuit comes from the sound the garment is supposed to make while being worn and danced in. Although they are displayed in a gallery, their purpose is to be out in public interacting with people and entertaining them like in a parade. 
“The arts are our salvation—the only thing that allows us to heal and also helps us dream about what will make the world a better place.  I have a responsibility to the world to do something with my abilities as an artist.” 
- Cave
Click! below to see more of a variety of the kind of suits Cave makes (there are hundreds):

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